The Love Language ™ Appy Anda Asisten pribadi untuk hubungan antara jadwal sibuk dan hari -hari yang panjang, mengekspresikan cinta terkadang bisa jatuh di pinggir jalan
The Love Language™ App
Your Personal Assistant for Relationships
Between busy schedules and long days, expressing love can sometimes fall by the wayside. We forget to give gifts “just because,” offer compliments, or linger in our embraces. The things that say “I love you” seem to either not get said or not get through. As a result, our relationships can easily erode and the spark can fade.
Love Nudge is a fun, habit-forming app that helps you intentionally express love in ways that are most meaningful to your partner. Dirancang untuk koneksi kehidupan nyata, Love Nudge membawa konsep-konsep buku terlaris New York Times #1 New York Times, The 5 Love Langues® ke tingkat berikutnya. Anda dan orang yang Anda cintai dapat belajar bahasa cinta satu sama lain, bertukar dorongan yang menggembirakan dan menyenangkan, mengatur dan melacak tujuan aktivitas, dan memantau tingkat tank cinta masing -masing untuk komunikasi dan keintiman yang lebih baik. It's like having a personal assistant… for your relationship.
The 5 Love Languages® by Dr. Gary Chapman has helped millions of couples strengthen their relationships… one language at a time. For almost two decades, The 5 Love Languages® has stood unrivaled as a top resource for love and relationships.
NOTE: Love Nudge relies on a consistent internet connection. If you're not connected when you launch the app, or if you disconnect while you're using the app, Love Nudge will not perform as it should.